Jazz, Folk, Blues, Bluegrass, Rock, Swing and more. ShenandoahMusic.coms' growing list of network musicians will perform at your home, office, weddings, anniversaries or festivals. more info
The Strasburg Theater presents "Open Stage" every Wednesday night, hosted by singer/songwriter Joe Herbert. All styles and genres are welcome. Musicians, Comics, Spoken Word Poets, Jugglers, Artists, Bands and Solo Performers are all invited to showcase their talent on one of the biggest and best sounding stages in the entire state of Virginia! We'd really like to see some more bluegrass outfits, country, rock, and swing. Reggae and jazz players- where are you? If you know someone who's got the talent, please pass the word on. Let's make this the best Open Stage anywhere!
Admission is free. Sign up is at 7 pm, performances start at 8. To sign up for the Open Stage online: email strasburgtheater@hotmail.com